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Commercial Property Management Firms and Emergency Power Generators

Common Managed Properties that Use Industrial Generators

Mile High Stadium Denver Co.
Commercial property includes buildings or land intended to generate profit from capital gain or income. In many, states retaining more than a certain number of units is considered commercial property for borrowing or tax purposes. Commercial real estate is divided into the following categories:
  • Leisure - hotels, resorts, restaurants, cafés and sports facilities
  • Retail - retail stores, shopping malls and shops
  • Office - office buildings and individual serviced offices
  • Industrial - industrial proprieties, warehouse/distribution center and garages
  • Health Care - hospitals, medical centers, nursing homes and emergent care facilities
  • Multifamily - apartment and condominium high rise towers and complexes
This list reflects a large variety of buildings and facilities. The properties in each category have a different set of supporting systems and operational guidelines that must be adhered to. Some companies use in-house staff to accomplish this task. All accounting, marketing/advertising, and maintenance is handled by in-house staff. A facility manager and maintenance staff are responsible for building upkeep.

The facility manager is responsible for all auxiliary building systems. His technical staff performs maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair tasks. The manager may elect to contract out certain services, beyond technical staff capability, to vendors with a specific skill set. In addition, the manager is tasked with correcting any discrepancies identified in inspections.

Contracting to a property management firm allows businesses to only pay for services rendered instead of keeping accounting, marketing, facilities maintenance staff on the payroll. It is not uncommon for the management company to communicate with the facility manager and other management team members to arrange for things like testing, maintenance, and emergency drills.

Property Management Companies Rely on Standby Generators

Entrance to Shopping Mall
Property management companies offer a wide range of services. We commonly associate the firms working with the multi-family apartment and condominium complexes and towers. In this role the broker must be a licensed realtor. A large percentage of this role commands the advertising, leasing, and/or sales of the units in the complex. However, larger complexes with large volumes of visitors require management companies with a variety of certifications. 

Buildings and complexes within the leisure, retail, office and multi-family categories all have stringent safety regulations. These regulations were designed to help ensure human safety in a variety of adverse conditions. The type of business housed in the building dictates the amount and type of safety precautions.

Room capacity within a building, marked exits, and exits cleared of storage items and debris are some basic emergency and evacuation protocols. Each of the five above listed commercial property categories has a requirement for emergency power. The amount of emergency power required is determined by the function of the facility.

Elevators in condominiums, fire and security systems, and emergency lighting power are a few basic requirements in commercial properties. Each property can have safety-specific emergency power requirements like a standby generator set help with this need. Chair lifts and gondolas in ski resorts should have backup power to ensure skiers are not stranded during a power outage. Shopping malls that contain escalators should be powered during outages. 

The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) establishes codes for each type of facility. NFPA 101 Life Safety Code determines emergency generator power requirements in its pages. When corporations are selecting property management agencies, they make sure they are certified in the areas for the services they will be supplying. Large centers such as sports arenas, shopping malls and office buildings use property management companies that offer a complete range of services by certified professionals. The professionals do not complete the facility function but oversee the correct completion of the task. Cushman & Wakefield is an example of a full-service provider. They offer a wide range of services in all of the commercial property categories.

Buildings with Critical Power Requirements

Modern Hospital Entrance
Data centers require a constant power supply. If power is lost to servers and communication equipment, data can be lost or corrupted. All auxiliary systems such as chillers and server room air conditioners must remain powered in the event of a utility failure. Human life is not on the line, but the financial cost can be high and escalates as the length of the outage increase.

Hospitals and health care buildings are the most tightly controlled and regulated of all the commercial property categories. Emergency, surgery and intensive care rooms all require dependable uninterruptible power. The loss of power to any of these rooms can result in loss of life. In addition, auxiliary systems such as; fire/alarm monitoring, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and environmental control systems for research rooms must have power.

The emergency power generation systems often include one or more generators and must be able to accommodate all power demands during utility outages. As hospitals add wings and increase power consuming technologies, they are required to update the emergency power system. Maintenance including scheduled load testing of the generators is a primary responsibility of property management companies. In addition, many offer consulting and project management services. 

The property directly contracts the management company to perform facilities maintenance and possibly other offered services. The management companies then contract the appropriate vendor for tasks such as generator maintenance/testing, systems and security/monitoring.

Generator Source has 35+ years of generator experience. When a property management company has a project like system upgrade or designing a new system, we offer a large inventory of generator sets that can easily be shipped out thorughout the US and Canada. We also routinely assist property mangement firms with complete generator service and maintenace programs in our regional service areas.  To view our many styles and sizes of generators go to Inventory. All generators are in stock and ready to ship. Often, we can arrange shipping within 24-hours of purchase completion. Our technical staff can perform maintenance, testing and troubleshooting/repair tasks. Contact Us with any questions.

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